Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas 2011

   Again we have come to the most celebrated holiday of the year.  Christmas.  For Christians this is the time we look back and consider that God came to us, in human flesh.  A little baby, with fingers and toes.  A baby, that was completely dependent upon his mothers breast.  Interesting that the God who made all things, now comes to us dependent upon His very creation.  Of this little child Paul says " For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.  So this little child, who created all things, and who holds all things in His might hands, now has hands so small they fit between my fingers.  This young one now has eyes of wonder.      
   And I find it interesting that God chose to come to us, not in pomp and glory.  No.  He comes to mankind in a poor family, from the wrong side of the Roman empire.  His advent is culminated at the end of a hundred mile journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem.  Not ideal conditions for a King.  By anyone's standards he was nobody. But this child was destined for the rise and fall of many.  He, who made all things now comes forth of His mother, in a lowly stable with ox and sheep.
   This picture teaches something about the God we serve.  He not only cares for the poor and marginalized, he became poor and marginalized.  He, who has all power in heaven and earth, who could have called on 10,000 angels at any time, came humble, lowly, poor and dependent.  For it is Christ who says that the rich will scarcely enter His Kingdom.  Those who seek to be wealthy, are those who miss the point of grace.  Grace teaches us that God does what we cannot do.  Grace teaches us that God is pleased in Jesus, for His sake we are saved, and are saved completely.  Grace teaches us that this little baby, the ultimate gift to all mankind,was born to walk the road to Calvary with every Christian soul in mind.  He was thinking of you, of me, and of the countless others when he uttered the words, "Father forgive them."
   The application this Christmas is simple.  If you are short on cash, and feel inadequate, repent and believe the good news.  If you are overflowing with goods, don't forget to spread the wealth.  If you have gone through this Christmas season without any thought of who might need your help, pray and ask God to show you someone in need.  In need of what you can do specifically.  For Christ said that when we give of ourselves to those in need, we are doing it as unto Him.  As unto Christ, who knows something of what it means to be in need.  This little baby, with poor parents, from the wrong side of the Roman empire.

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